Abstract:Traditional artillery spade in permafrost environments struggle to achieve rapid and effective deployment, thereby limiting the operational effectiveness of medium and large-caliber artillery in such settings. Based on the "destruction-reorganization-strengthening" process of permafrost during the rear displacement of mounting systems, a straight-insert mounting structure design suitable for permafrost environments is proposed. By improving the arrangement, geometric dimensions, and windward side morphology of the mount plates, the resistance encountered when inserting the mounts into permafrost is reduced, enhancing deployment capability in these environments. Additionally, adjusting the angle of the mount base plate increases the overburden pressure of the permafrost soil during the firing recoil process, thereby improving subsequent firing stability. A discrete element simulation model for sandy soils in seasonal permafrost regions was established to simulate the particle dynamics during the interaction between the mounting system and permafrost. Comparative analysis of mount displacement, permafrost model void ratio, and effective stress during the first and subsequent firing recoil processes was conducted to verify the feasibility of the proposed scheme. Simulation results indicate that mount insertion resistance is relatively small; after the first firing, a permafrost support higher than the ground surface forms on the rear side of the mount, the bearing capacity of the permafrost in the interaction area increases, and mount displacement during subsequent firings is significantly reduced.